I remember when I first saw The Hundred’s trademark brand pattern. The JAGS pattern was applied to shirts, hats, branding, everything! It was a play on the typical camo that you see all over streetwear and fashion but unique!
Let me circle back a bit. One thing EDC (Every Day Carry) and streetwear have in common is UTILITY. Streetwear pulls its inspiration from workwear or utility clothing. This is because streetwear wasn’t fashion. It was a culture built from the underground! So back to camo and EDC, EDC has ties back to the military and function. Tactical gear is so useful because it’s all about UTILITY. We can strap molle bags to everything and throw our Ranger Eye patches to every square inch of velcro we see!

So, in an attempt to merge EDC and Streetwear, I created THE DRIP. If you take a close look, you’ll see the coffee cup rings and spills that fall from an overly caffeinated hand trying to take the next sip.
It’s interesting because the first time I “spilled” coffee was while I was sketching. It left almost a watercolor painting type of wash over my sketchbook and I loved it! I sketched over the drips and it gave it a pretty cool look and texture. I guess what I’m trying to say is that inspiration can come from anything. I’ve got big plans for THE DRIP, expect to see it on Coffee Dudes and Branding or even more accessories that can release in the future.
Think it can look cool on something specific? Let me know! Maybe we can collaborate on the next big thing.